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Mental Health Patient Survey

How did you hear about the survey?

If you selected the above option 'Letter', please provide below the REF1 & REF2 which can be found on the top right hand side of letter.

We would like you to think about your recent experience with the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust:

Q1. Overall, how was your experience of our service?

Thinking about the service we provide...

Q2. Were you able to access mental health services prior to your 999 call?
Q3. Did you have to explain your situation to the call handler more than once?
Q4. Did the call handler understand what you told them?
Q5. Did you feel the call handler listened to you and dealt with your call appropriately?
Q6. Did your 999 call meet your urgent needs?
Q7. Did anyone stay on the line with you until you received the help you needed?
Q8. How would you rate your 999 call?

If you wish to send a separate note of thanks to the call handler or staff involved, you may add your comments to the below box, please also include your name and contact details to ensure such correspondence is passed on to the member of staff.

All comments received are used to monitor and improve the services provided by the Trust. If you have a concern or complaint about the service and would like us to contact you, please provide your details below:

We are looking for patients or their representatives who would be willing to discuss their experience in more depth by way of a video discovery interview. The discovery interviews are used to assist us in improving the services provided through staff training and awareness raising.

If you consent to a video interview, you may be contacted by a member of the Patient Experience or Patient Engagement team following your survey submission.

If you consent to a video interview, you may be contacted by a member of the Patient Experience or Patient Engagement team following your survey submission.

Would you like to become a Patient Representative for EEAST?

If you would like to become a Patient Representative and help to shape the services provided by the Trust, please register your interest by contacting

Equality and Diversity

This information can help us plan to meet the needs of the community, to ensure that everyone has equal access to the health care provided and for the service to be delivered to a high standard for all our patients.

The following questions are about the patient.

What age are you?
What best describes your gender?
What is your ethnic group?
What is your religion or belief?
What is your sexual orientation?
Do you have any of the following disabilities?
Are you married or in a civil partnership?
Are you currently pregnant or have had a child within the last 12 months?

Please be aware that you can withdraw consent for the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust to use and store information you have provided at any time. If you wish to withdraw consent to your details being held, please contact the Patient Survey Team. e-mail: or telephone: 01603 422757.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. The information collated will be used to assist us in improving the services we provide.

This survey has been created in conjunction with the SUN network: