About us
We provide 24 hour, 365 days a year accident and emergency services to those in need of emergency medical treatment and transport in - Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.
We also provide non-emergency patient transport services for patients needing non-emergency transport to and from hospital, treatment centres and other similar facilities and who can't travel unaided because of their medical condition or frailty.
Within the east of England, we deliver the patient transport services in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, north, south and west Essex.
The area is made up of:
- around 6.3 million people
- 7,500 square miles
- 6 ICSs (Intergrated Care Systems)
- 17 acute trusts
In 2021/22 the Trust:
- received 1,456,689 emergency 999 calls
- 86,489 callers were helped through our Emergency Clinical Advice and Triage Centre
- made 550,000 non-emergency (patient transport service) journeys
- took more than 800,000 calls in our commercial contact centre (CallEEAST).
Our resources and teams include:
- more than 5,000 staff and more than 1,200 volunteers
- three ambulance operations centres (AOCs) located in Bedford, Chelmsford and Norwich
- 485 front line ambulances
- 72 rapid response vehicles
- 178 non-emergency ambulances (PTS and HCRTs vehicles)
- 53 HART/major incident/resilience vehicles
- more than 120 sites.
Our planned income for 2021/22 is £395m.