Trust Board
Our Board
The Board is led by our Chair, along with five non-executive directors, our Chief Executive and four executive directors, who collectively bring a diverse set of skills and expertise to the leadership of the Trust.
The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction, culture and organisational performance of our Trust and is accountable for ensuring that we deliver safe, high-quality care and effective people and patient wellbeing.
The Board is responsible for ensuring due probity and accountability and has adopted and operates to the NHS Codes of Conduct and Accountability and in line with the Nolan Principles.
The Chair
The Chair is responsible for the conduct of the Trust, for managing the Board and for appointing and reviewing the performance of the Chief Executive and for monitoring the executive leadership of our Trust.
Non-Executive Directors
Non-executive directors make sure the Board acts in the interests of our people, patients and community. Their knowledge of local needs and their experience provides a valuable contribution through holding the Trust to account for the delivery of our strategy and scrutinising performance.
Associate Non-Executive Directors
Associate non-executive directors work alongside Board members to support our Boards succession strategy and to achieve a balance of Board level skills and expertise. Associate non-executive directors do not participate in any formal voting business at Board but gain the opportunity to develop non-executive skills in preparation for becoming a non-executive director in the future.
The Chief Executive
The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring that our Trust works in accordance with national policy, public service values, and maintains proper financial stewardship. The Chief Executive is directly accountable to the Board for ensuring that its decisions are implemented.
Executive Directors
Our executive directors are responsible for the operational day-to-day management of the Trust. In addition to the Chief Executive, the Board member executive directors include the Director of Nursing, Director of Finance, Chief Operating Officer and Director of People Services. There are other executive directors that are part of the wider Executive Leadership Team who are not Board members.
Appointment of Board members
The Chief Executive and the other executive directors are appointed through a process of open advertising and formal selection interview. Non-executive directors are appointed by the same way but through NHS England/Improvement.
In Public Board Meetings
Our Trust Board meets in public every two months. The meetings are held in public with a commitment to ensuring that decision making is transparent and open. There will, however, be occasions when, due to the nature of the issue to be discussed, the Board is required to meet in private.
Board Sub-Committees
A number of Committees support the work of the Trust Board.
Each of these Committees is chaired by a non-executive director, reports directly into the Board and provide assurance over key matters. They can also escalate emerging issues for the Board's attention.
Audit and Risk Committee - Chaired by George Lynn
Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee - Chaired by Alison Wigg
Finance and Performance Committee - Chaired by Julie Thallon
People Committee - Chaired by Wendy Thomas
Quality Governance Committee - Chaired by Catherine Glickman
The Board as Corporate Trustee of the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust Charitable Funds
Charitable Funds Committee - Chaired by Alison Wigg