Public board meetings and papers
In Public Board meetings
Until further notice all our in Public Board meetings will be held as a virtual meeting and the live link to the meeting can be accessed via the link below.
Our Trust Board meets in public usually every two months. The meetings are held in public with a commitment to ensuring that decision making is transparent and open. There will, however, be occasions when, due to the nature of the issue to be discussed, the Board is required to meet in closed session.
As part of our commitment to openness and accountability, you are invited to attend any In Public Trust Board meetings. All In Public Trust Board papers are published and made available on the Trust website.
Members of the public are welcome to attend In Public Trust Board meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is being held in public, it is not a public meeting. Members of the public and press do not have speaking rights but are invited to ask questions at the meeting during the 'Questions from the Public' section at the conclusion of the In Public Trust Board meeting.
Members of the public who ask questions may be asked to identify themselves and to declare any formal affiliations.
Any questions or comments from the public should, however, be in relation to an item on the agenda for that meeting and should relate to a further explanation or clarification of that agenda item.
In addition to our In Public Board meetings we hold a yearly Annual General Meeting (AGM), where we present our annual report and accounts and quality account for that year.
If you have a question you would like be raised at the Board please email giving your name and details.
Our next meeting
In Public Trust Board Meeting
Our Public Board Meeting will take place on 8th November 2023.
The live event platform has a chat function by which it is possible for you to ask simple questions. The event moderator will monitor chat during the meeting and look for ways to address the points raised. For reasons of continuity, where possible these points will be published to the 'featured' chat feed and answered by Board members in the Q&A at the close of business.
Any longer questions will unfortunately not be practical for this format and will need to be re-posed offline to All questions and answers will be minuted in due course on our Trust website.
An agenda and papers for the meeting are now available.
Please join us if you can via Microsoft Teams - this link cannot be opened in Safari.
Future meeting dates
- 14th February 2024
Board papers
Papers for all our public board meetings are available to download prior to each meeting.
If you require the public board papers in an alternative format, please get in touch with our information governance team via
Previous board meetings
Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting took place on 6th September 2023. The recording for this meeting is now available to watch.
The minutes from the previous annual general meeting are now available to read.