Who we are and what we do
Details on how the Trust into the wider NHS
We provide the health response to people who call the emergency 999 service because they have an emergency health condition. Through a triage process we prioritise every call, so we can get to those with the greatest needs the quickest. Through some standard questions and triage we find out how best to treat the patient, which could be over the phone or sending a clinician to assess and treat the patient at the scene. Depending on the patients condition we may then take them to a hospital or specialist centre for further assessment and treatment.
Our services are commissioned by clinical commissioning groups, who provide the majority of our funding. We also report to NHS Improvement, who are responsible for overseeing foundation trusts and NHS trusts. Were regulated by the Care Quality Commission who also carry out inspections of the Trust.
Trust Board and senior management
We are led by a Trust Board, which is made up of a chair person, the Trusts Chief executive, five executive directors and five non-executive directors. For more details on our Board members, please go to our Trust Board pages.
The Trusts headquarters are in Melbourn and we have three other primary sites: Bedford, Chelmsford and Norwich. The address can be found on the contact us page.
Our emergency service is split into two localities with each managed by a locality director. Within each locality are senior locality managers. There are 82 ambulance stations (including response posts) across the region, with each station supported by duty locality officers (DLOs)